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Tech Free Triumph-Step by Step Guide to Setting Up Your Shop on Payhip

Learn the non techie way to easily get a website set up all in a day

No More Need for Overwhelm

FINALLY! Ready for the public. Are you a small business owner unsure about the tech knowledge, looking for an easy to use platform online to set up your Shop? This 14 video course is over 2 hours long and was made with the non techie in mind. I have tried so many different platforms over my 16 years working online and I have finally settled on this platform because it has everything I need. And it's FREE to use on the first tier with only a 5% fee for each sale. This is the PERFECT solution for those single business owners or freelancers who need to do it all themselves. You can have your website up and running in a day with my easy to follow steps through all the areas of getting your shop ready for sales. We are having a launch price right now which is almost 50% off! Come on and grab it while you can! 

Embark on a hassle-free journey to establish your online presence with our comprehensive 12-video course, "Tech-Free Triumph." Tailored for those who may not be tech-savvy, this course breaks down the process of creating and managing your website on the user-friendly Payhip platform.

๐Ÿš€ Course Highlights:

  1. Introduction to Payhip and Sign Up: Discover the key features of Payhip and understand how it can transform your online presence without requiring advanced technical skills. Follow along as we guide you through the painless process of creating your Payhip account, ensuring a smooth start to your digital journey. (video length: 4:14)
  2. Adding Your First Digital Product to Your Shop: Follow through these steps as you learn how to set up a proper title, description, adding product images, and adding extra features to your listings in the advanced settings section.Dive into the world of digital product management as we teach you how to upload and showcase your offerings with ease. (video: 9:22)
  3. Creating Collections for Your Products in Your Store Builder: Collections are like product categories. You can easily create collections that will be added to your navigational links and connect all your products as they are created. Learn why setting up collections will allow you to allow your visitor to navigate through your store quickly and efficiently, encouraging them to become your customer. (video: 11:00)
  4. Adding Your Payment Information, Hooking Up Paypal So You Can Get Paid!: It does not have to be scary setting up your payment options. Payhip incorporates both Stripe and Paypal. Learn the steps to easily connect your account with Payhip in a few quick steps. (video: 5:24)
  5. Customizing Your Store with Logo and Layout: Learn how to personalize your storefront effortlessly, from choosing the perfect template to adding your unique branding elements. (video: 12:24)
  6. Diving Into Your Account Dashboard Settings: Explains the benefits of choosing the offered tiers given to you from Payhip and some other platform comparisons. Explains a rundown of taxes, shipping options, how to add extra protection for your digital files to avoid others from stealing your work, set the download number limit before the link will expire, and set up questions for your customers when they set up their accounts. (video: 13:23)
  7. Setting and Changing Store Styles in the Store Builder: Donโ€™t like the size of your logo or the layout and colors of your shop look? Learn how to quickly resize your elements right in the store builder with the click of a button. Choose the right look for your site based on colors, theme, and style. Completely non techie friendly. (video: 6:56)
  8. Payhip Dashboard Review for Quick Links: Learn how to review all of the dashboard statistics offered for your products, traffic sources, and customers. See your sales at a snapshot and find out where in the world they are coming from and where in the world you sell the best. (video: 3:47)
  9. Analytics and Customer Statistics Run Through: Learn how to track various metrics for your visitors and customers as they navigate through your website. Learn what each metric means and why they are important to track. Gain insights into your website's performance by navigating the analytical tools provided by Payhip, empowering you to make informed decisions. (video: 4:04)
  10. Marketing Methods You Can Set Up for More Sales: Attract and retain customers by mastering the art of creating discounts with coupon codes and promotions within the Payhip platform. Learn to run a sale, find affiliates who would love to help sell for you, set up loyalty discounts for members, set up your mailing list to send promotions, how to include cross sales to offer your customers more for their money, how to add upgrades for certain products, how to add social discounts, and how to encourage referrals from your customers. (video: 16:56)
  11. Connecting Your Own Domain Name to Your Payhip Site: Non tech friendly walk through for how to navigate your domain name registrar dashboard to change the settings to point your domain to your Payhip site. (video: 11:38)
  12. Setting Up Google Analytics with Payhip for Tracking Specific Metrics: This video will walk you through the steps of creating a profile for your shop in Google Analytics. This way you can track data such as the keywords that your visitors are finding you with online, you can see at a glance which of your products sell best and where from in the world, you can find out information such as the ages, genders, and likes of the target market you are most resonating with. These types of metrics allow you to hone your advertising and messages to these people so you can best serve them and provide the best products. (video: 14:26)
  13. This is a BONUS video! How to Set Up a Mailerlite Landing Page and Automation Sequence: This video shows you how to easily set up a landing page in the free Mailerlite email marketing program. It is free until you get more than 500 subscribers. I also show you how to create an automation sequence email to send to your subscribers once they sign up to your list. You can easily drag and drop blocks for text, images and videos. You can add links and other features. This platform also lets you integrate with many other useful platforms such as Payhip so you can run your whole business smoothly and efficiently without all the muss and fuss of dealing with multiple platforms. (video: 29:56)
  14. Settings for Adding Your Customers to Your Mailing List: This is the final video and we cover how you set up your product listings to seamlessly be transferred over to your mailing list on Mailerlite. They will then get a confirmation email from Mailerlite that they would click to confirm acceptance to being on the mailing list and receive the free gift offered. (video: 4:40)

Join "Tech-Free Triumph" and transform your online aspirations into reality, one easy step at a time. No tech hurdles, just triumphs!

Learn at Home in your own time, at your own pace.

One of the best options for online courses is the ability to move through the course on your own as life allows you. Some of us want to dive right in and work through the whole course in one day, while others prefer to take small bites and do an hour a day until they have a completed website with a great list of products available for sale.

Whatever way works for you, take the time to absorb all you can and create that work of art that I know you have deep within you. I look forward to seeing your completed sites!

Limited Time Sale Price Happening Now!

If you get started today, you can get the ground floor price of just $24.99USD

Grab it now because the price will soon go up to $49.99 before you know it!

Early Bird Pricing


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"Thanks to Melanie's FANTASTIC guide, setting up my Payhip account was a breeze! Her step by step instructions felt like having a friend right beside me, guiding me through the process with ease. I'm grateful for Melanie's clear and friendly help-highly recommend her course!

โ€” Stacey Reynolds @